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  • ​Access to the EXACT training modules from the groundbreaking Mastery of Ascension Alchemy Coaching Program ($4500 Value)
Just watched week 1 of the Mastery of Ascension Alchemy after I read the book. 
Just wanted to say: this is mindblowing 🤩
I’m studying the Law of Attraction for over 10 years already and I never heard something like what Elle is explaining here.
I also never resonated this much with videos about the LoA, like I resonate with this.
Because it’s the only truth I guess 😄💕
Thanks so much for this Elle Hari!

Anna B.


“I Magnetized my Twin Flame in When I Started This Program”

“I magnetized my Twin Flame in when I started this program. Before this, I felt as if I was a different person. I was an obsessed crazy person with crazy thoughts distractions and emotions. These behaviors, thoughts and actions were foreign to me. I was confused and heartbroken but after working through the modules and continuing to practice the process, I feel an overwhelming sense of peace calm and serenity. More importantly, I have a profound trust in the universe and I truly know that all is well and all is as it should be.”

- Steve

“The Most Beneficial Thing I Have Ever Done”

“This program has been the most beneficial thing I have ever done for the betterment of my existence. It has brought clarity, peace, understanding, purpose and so much more. The lessons are simple but powerful. And it’s not just “educational” helping you to understand what is happening and why, but provides the action steps necessary to be able to bring it all into balance. I can honestly say that for the first time in my life I am in charge of my own joy. And what peace this has brought. So powerful! Additionally, and the most helpful part of the whole experience, especially in the beginning, is being surrounded by such a loving support group. This journey can be a lonely one at times, and before I started this program I felt very lost and isolated. I was in such turmoil. But with Elle, as a loving and caring coach, along with the others in the group navigating their own journeys….I was not (and know that I am still not) ever alone. What a sweet and encouraging environment. Very effective. Much love and gratitude, Elle!”

- Anna

“I Have Felt More at Peace Than Ever Before”

“Since starting the program, I have felt more at peace than ever before. I have begun to branch out and try new things in my life that used to scare me. I’m loving learning about what truly makes me tick. My Twin Flame has come back into my life and I did take things too fast, but with the tools you have given me, I feel comfortable and fearless in pulling back and rebalancing myself, in our interactions.”


“I Have Felt Deep Inner Peace for the First Time in My Life”

“I feel CLARITY like I have never felt in my entire life. I feel One within and with everything. I have felt Deep Inner Peace for the first time of my Life only 5 weeks after starting this program and this is definitely thanks to this program.”


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Copyright © 2020 Elle Hari Universal LLC 

Terms and Conditions: All sales are final. By submitting payment, you are agreeing to our ZERO REFUND POLICY. No refunds will be given under any circumstances. The monthly payment option may be canceled at any time with the start of the next billing cycle. All materials sold and information shared with you are protected under the copyright laws and other intellectual property laws of the United States of America. You agree not to share with or disseminate the information to others. 
Privacy Policy: We honor the privacy of you and all of our students, and we will never share any of your information with anyone outside of the Elle Hari Universal LLC organization unless required to for financial or legal reasons. You agree to keep everything that is taught and discussed by Elle Hari Universal LLC and its agents, coaches and other students/members strictly confidential and not to share it with anyone outside of the membership - either during the course of your membership or at any time after your membership ends for any reason. Failure to adhere to confidentiality/privacy terms or any of the other terms set forth herein or within the membership site and Facebook group will result in immediate revocation of your membership without any refunds and possible LEGAL ACTION. (Plus, it's just bad karma!)  
We are not affiliated with Facebook beyond the scope of its utilization as a social media platform. Individual results may vary based on your level of commitment and your ability/willing ness to follow and implement the guidance provided to you. Although it can certainly happen, this is not a membership designed to magnetize your twin flame or to assist with physically relating with your twin flame. We have other services and products available to specifically address those intentions. This membership is intended to help you get to the space within yourself that must be maintained prior to magnetizing in and maintaining a stable physical relating experience with your twin flame.